
In a split second, an event called The Tear forced two identical Earths to coexist side by side. Every individual had an 82% chance of having an exact replica of themselves, identical down to their genetic make-up. These are known as Doppelgangers. This led to the establishment of the United Worlds Alliance, an intergovernmental organisation that controls duo-worldly relations including interplanetary travel, resource management and doppelganger regulations. This story follows Dylan Shaffer, an unwitting university lecturer who gets sucked into the dark underbely of human trafficking in worlds where human spare parts & life-swaps have become a common practice amongst the elite. Dylan is searching for his daughter after they were both abducted and then separated. In a lucky streak, Dylan is saved by his doppelganger, Frank Vance, who happens to be a formidable private investigator and fixer. With his new found ally, Dylan is determined to find his daughter at all costs.  The plot is a rollercoaster ride - think Die Hard meets Blade Runner.